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Bunny Ears, Cactus Opuntia Albata

Bunny Ears, Cactus Opuntia Albata

Regular price Dhs. 25.00 AED
Regular price Sale price Dhs. 25.00 AED
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7 - 10 cm

Know as Bunny Ears, Angel Wings, Smooth Mountain Prickly Pear, Indian Fig, Mission Cactus, Tuberous Prickly Pear and Nopal. Bushy or tree-like, perennial cactus with stems composed of flattened, obovate to oblong, greyish green or mid-green segments, 10-40cm long, with white areoles producing yellow glochids and usually 1 or 2 spines. Bowl-shaped yellow flowers, 10cm across, are produced in late spring and summer, and are followed by edible, ovoid, spineless purple fruit, to 10cm long. Some cultivars have yellow, orange, or red fruit. perfect to use outdoors.

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