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Yellow Bell Climber, Mandevilla Splendens

Yellow Bell Climber, Mandevilla Splendens

Regular price Dhs. 60.00 AED
Regular price Sale price Dhs. 60.00 AED
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Max Height: 3-6m Spread: Indefinite

Origin: Brazil Family: Apocynaceae

Common Name: Mandevilla, Dipladenia Flower Colour: Red

Drought Tolerance: Low Salinity Tolerance: Low

Sun Tolerance: High Wind Tolerance: Medium

Water Requirement: Low PH Level: Basic

Pest Tolerance: High Disease Tolerance: High

Growth Rate: Fast Fragrance: No

The mandevilla plant has become a common patio plant, and rightfully so. The brilliant mandevilla flowers add a tropical flair to any landscape. Mandevilla is one of the most spectacular tropical flowering vines appreciated for their colorful flowers. Its elegant flowering provides an eye-catching attribute and can increase the beauty of your outdoor garden.

Mandevilla splendens Or Yellow Bell Climber is vigorous, moderately to freely branching, woody-stemmed, twining climber with downy young stems and broadly elliptic, lustrous, mid-green leaves, 10-20cm long, with heart-shaped bases and slender-pointed tips. In summer, produces racemes of 3-5 narrowly funnel-shaped white flowers.

Climbers, Dipladenia splendens, evergreen vine, flowering plant, Mandevilla splendens, Outdoor Plants, Yellow Bell Climber

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